
What is home cleansing?

Home cleansing is the process of clearing negative energy from your home. This can be done for a variety of reasons, such as to improve your overall well-being, to attract positive energy, or to remove any negative energy that may have accumulated in your home over time.

There are many different ways to cleanse your home, but some of the most common methods include:

  • Smudging. Smudging is a Native American tradition that involves burning sage, palo santo, or other herbs to clear negative energy.
  • Using essential oils. Essential oils such as lavender, frankincense, and lemon are said to have purifying properties. You can diffuse these oils in your home, or you can add a few drops to a spray bottle of water and mist your home.
  • Using salt. Salt is said to absorb negative energy. You can sprinkle salt around your home, or you can place a bowl of salt in each room.
  • Playing music. Some people believe that certain types of music, such as chanting or mantras, can help to cleanse a home. You can play this music in your home while you are smudging or using essential oils.
  • Visualization. You can also cleanse your home by visualizing positive energy flowing through your home. This can be done while you are smudging, using essential oils, or playing music.

No matter which method you choose, it is important to do the cleansing with intention. This means that you should focus on clearing negative energy and inviting positive energy into your home.

Here are some tips for home cleansing:

  • Start by cleaning your home thoroughly. This will remove any physical dirt or clutter that may be contributing to negative energy.
  • Open your windows and doors to let fresh air in. This will help to clear out stale air and negative energy.
  • Burn sage, palo santo, or other herbs. This is a traditional way to cleanse a home.
  • Play music or chant mantras. This can help to create a positive and uplifting atmosphere.
  • Visualize positive energy flowing through your home. This can help to clear out negative energy and invite positive energy in.

Home cleansing is a personal practice, so there is no right or wrong way to do it. Find a method that feels right for you and that you enjoy. With regular cleansing, you can create a home that is filled with positive energy and well-being.